Saidercray Today


Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Two and a half weeks before the national election, Saidercray Today has invited the three remaining candidates for presidency, Ian Woshkal (Party for Peace and Justice), Harry Old (Socialist Party of Saidercray) and Charles Ellows (Virtuous Conservative Alliance).

Saidercray Today: Mr. Woshkal, Mr. Old, Mr. Ellows, welcome and thank you for participating in this interview. Let us begin with a general question to everyone of you. What are your and your parties' plans in case you win the election?
Woshkal: Our plan is as simple as it is good. We will continue - and intensify - the successful policy of the last four years. This means a pacifist foreign policy, this means social liberalism, this means a strongly controlled economy, this means focusses that lie on social welfare and on education.
Old: A socialist government will see it as its main task to create social equality. For the purpose of this, we will lift up the tax rates, we will nationalize the whole economy and we will translate the idea of a very novel tax system into action - but maybe I can explain this in detail later.
ST: You certainly can. Mr. Ellows, what are the plans of the VCA?
Ellows: I can guarantee the people two things. The first one: We won't inactively observe the continuing decay of traditional virtues such as marriage and the classical family with an employed father and a loving mother caring for the children, such as the role of Saidercray's historical religion, Christianity. The second one: We will stop the etatist exploitation of the people and re-vitalize the bourgeoisie which has always been the creator and the keeper of culture.


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